The light is Green you may pass go, and if you want i can collect up to 200$... or something.
The (insert number here)th anime-ness has been ok'ed for all you inquring minds who just need to know!.
it will take place... Memorial day weekend! that friday night through to monday so ya...
i've got for the occasion new
GTO (cuz it rocks) -no idea what the dub is...
X (by clamp- it also rocks)-english only
hellsing (teh anime that keeps killing)-this one's japanese only...
i also still got RahZephon, naruto(new, not 'teh sux' epesodes), most of deathnote(like i am currently working on the 2 i don't have), all of bleach to the present, and other stuff.(see above) so ya discuss. and if anyone wants to bring somthing
**vandread**choff** they should.