I finally got Mechwarrior 2 to work! Sadly, the method I used means Ghost Bear's legacy won't run.
Paradoxically, even though MW2 is a work of pure awesome, it's made me want to install and play every single mech game I have.
All FIVE of them: Mechwarior 2, 3, and 4 and Heavy Gear 1 and 2.
Heavy Gear 1 has similar issues to MW2, as it uses the same engine and was developed by the same team. Heavy Gear 2 sort of works, but five minuits into the first mission it slows down to the point of unplayability, which sucks because it's sort of like MW2 but with 200% more badass (you can jump! It's got a dedicated grenade key! there are about 50-60 different Gears! And it still has MechLab and prebuilt varients for all of them! and light Gears don't suck as much as light BattleMechs! YOU CAN USE MOTORIZED ROLLER SKATES!!), with about 20% of that badass dropping because you can't use the Timbrewolf/Madcat ( ).
Anyway, I'll keep you posted. Or not.