by Captain Thark » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:16 am
There's a huge differance since the last time you guys played Planar: It all takes place on the same plane now.
Caprolis is no longer floating in a void, its a port city near the sea. What this loses in cool set pieces is gained by the fact Airships are vitally important in transportation.
Oh yeah, there are some smallish mechs in the setting still. I'm trying really hard not to reach Rifttsian levels of absurdity.
And a good dicription for the whole thing would be Fullmetal Alchemist meets WarCraft several hundred years after Lord of the Rings.
Heck, lets do a quick rundown of some of the races:
Orc: Discriminated against for thousands of years by the Humans, the Orcish race has recntly carved out a place for themselves on the world stage. The major populations of Orcs place a high value on honor and tradition. Of course, what honor and tradition means varies amongst the various Orcish populations, and some resent what they view as giving into the will of the humans.
In addition, a growing number of Orcs are joining the growing revival of the Chaos philosophy, much like their ancestors who served the Dark Lord Thern.
Orcs dwell mainly in the continent of Orphedia, a land made of swamps, thick jngles and vast barren plains. There's also a major population in the Caprolian reigion of Markahn that consists of the descendants of ancient rading parties.
Daek'Fir (Dark Elf): Dark Elves are a strange breed. Their history is vaugue and shrouded in more myth and legend than any of the other races. The tales of the High Elves claim that in the distant past a group of Elves practiced magic so evil the gods stained their skin as dark as night. All dark skinned elves were banished from the High Elven lands, never to be seen again.
The Daek'Fir say they were cast out for not supporting a Tyranical Archon of Law's rule.
Whatever the truth is, Dark Elves and High Elves bear a grudge dating back as far as either of their recorded history.
Whare High Elves exel at magic, Dark Elves have mastered a different craft: Technomancy. From their island homeland they craft wonderous devices such as mechanical Golems, automatic weaponry and machines that can detect the Arcane.
The islands of Hem'Daek is their home, covored in small houses, workshops and strange equipment used for unknown perposes. They can also be found across the known world, reaserching new discovories and selling their inventions to the highest bidder.
'GASP' ...that took a long freaking time to write. More later.
This sword calls me it's master, but I feel more like it's slave.