Captain Thark is currently in the final stages of assembling a gaming club at college. Like, actual college, with classes and finals.
Neon Toast is exactly the same as he was before, just no-one posts here, so he doesn't come around.
Robopanda is in Ukraine, doing Mormon stuff.
Omnis is pretty much the same as before, he probably just forgot about this place.
TimCo has a website still, but just lost a job. This sucks royally.
Firelord never joined the forum after all, I call dibs for banning him if he show up again.
Infidel is aparently playing Counterstrike. He aprently also created his own message board for people who didn't notice how annoying he was because they are worse.
I have no idea who the hell Funny Jedi was.
Pious is running a game he doesn't like for power gamers at college. In addition, he's watching anime you would think a bible college would take issue with, but for some reason doesn't.
Wang Chung only ever hung with Robopanda despite them not liking each other very much. No idea what happened to him either.
Flynn is joining the marines apparently.
Wait, who was fregofrog anyway?
Who give out their email to a random site on the internet to post on a forum, but doesn't post? First Prophet of Pi, that's who.