third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Robopanda333 » Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:27 am

i wonder why... and also i wonder why. alas this is not for this topic.
and i got nothing new to provide just yet so ya...

EDIT:now i do...
fafner in the azure/sky (seen it both ways...)
caleb said that i need to see it but i don't want to alone so now if it is bad we can all complain at him (this means i have it and we will watch it... from what i can tell it is random mech something... maybe a little noein thrown in... i can't really tell)
and if i forgot to mention it clearly...

Le Chevalier d'Eon, it is in Japanese... cuz i couldn't find it in french... and even if i could i would still watch the Japanese. we have already mentioned it as being pretty cool, for being mostly about french history.... so ya.
and that is it... i think.
so thark you is bringing outlaw star... (maybe i should get tenchi and sailor moon and dbz so we can reconstruct awesome toonami, like the good old days...(it would be expencive (both time and/or money(recursive parenthises(this is fun...)))))(i think that is the right number)

im out!
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Wang Chung » Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:12 pm

Even though I shall not be enjoying this party I shall make suggestions:

Gundam Wing sux...
Outlaw Star... Mediocre (however the hell you spell that)
Darker Than Black... 150% Approved (Only asians can go over 100% with their mathz0rz skillz)

I'm currently watching Scrapped Princess right now (the one Noah brought up that one time) and I'm on ep 13 and it is pretty intriguing.
Another suggestions is Blood +. It starts out REALLY slow, and the directing is done badly, but the story pulls it through to the end and it was pretty good.

I would make more, but I don't have the list of anime that I've watched with me at the moment so yeah...
Oh, I know it's kinda early to suggest this, but I'll just suggest it as a forsight watch it for future type thing. Gundam 00 directed by the person who did FMA. Starts slow but it's starting to get really interesting. XD

Robopanda333 wrote:(it would be expencive (both time and/or money(recursive parenthises(this is fun...)))))(i think that is the right number)

You had one to many parenthises on the end.
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Captain Thark » Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:44 pm

Wing doesn't suck, and Outlaw Star is solid. It's a bit mindless but it is fun.
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Robopanda333 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:00 pm

Wang Chung wrote:Even though I shall not be enjoying this party I shall make suggestions:

Gundam Wing sux...
Outlaw Star... Mediocre (however the hell you spell that)
Darker Than Black... 150% Approved (Only asians can go over 100% with their mathz0rz skillz)

I'm currently watching Scrapped Princess right now (the one Noah brought up that one time) and I'm on ep 13 and it is pretty intriguing.
Another suggestions is Blood +. It starts out REALLY slow, and the directing is done badly, but the story pulls it through to the end and it was pretty good.

I would make more, but I don't have the list of anime that I've watched with me at the moment so yeah...
Oh, I know it's kinda early to suggest this, but I'll just suggest it as a forsight watch it for future type thing. Gundam 00 directed by the person who did FMA. Starts slow but it's starting to get really interesting. XD

Robopanda333 wrote:(it would be expencive (both time and/or money(recursive parenthises(this is fun...)))))(i think that is the right number)

You had one to many parenthises on the end.


Robopanda333 wrote:(maybe i should get tenchi and sailor moon and dbz so we can reconstruct awesome toonami, like the good old days...(it would be expencive (both time and/or money(recursive parenthises(this is fun...)))))(i think that is the right number)

and blood plus is CRAP!!!!! completly and utterly so there.
and as for gundam wing... it is of a different age. i watched the first 5 eps and i gotta say it is fun to watch going in thinking it is a 'b' series (as in satire) as for gundam 00 it does look pretty promising. and that scrapped princess one... i dunno. i might check it out.. but unless it is a good torrent it might be too late.

and i got all of fma in english too (just thought i would throw that out there.)
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Captain Thark » Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:15 pm

Oooh, FMA is one of my favorites. But, I guess it's one of everyones' favorites.

Scrapped princess isn't bad. More "substance" to it than, say Outlaw Star, but not as much as Paranoia Agent or anything. It's got a neat twist, sadly I was aware of it before I started watching it.
I'm of two minds about the show, I liked it, but it kinda goes angsty nearly every episode. It is one of the few anime I've seen with an ending that didn't end on a weird cliffhanger or just general stupidity.

I'm not sure you guys would like it. Some parts are a little... Blood+sy.
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Wang Chung » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:21 am


I guess for Blood+ it's preference. I mean I do have to say, the directing sucked my gonads. The only good part of that show was the story after ep 20.

And scrapped is nothing like Blood+. If any similarity, it's more 12 Kokuki-ish with humor. I like how the ending song is done by the people that do op and ed for Azumanga also.

I guess you guys can rewatch FLCL. :P

Aren't you the only one thats watched Last Exile Panda? You can always watch that.

Also, I wasn't saying Outlaw Star sucked. I'm just saying it needed a little more depth.

OR, you can watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Done by the people who made NGE and FLCL. It's pretty good.

And Wewt I got a copy of Guild Wars Factions collector's. Of course no one here plays GW to revel in celebration with me....
Last edited by Robopanda333 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: don't use my real name... and if you do spell it right...
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Robopanda333 » Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:22 pm

did you even see my second quote?... i did have the right number fool...(i thought asians were good at math...)
and anyway...
did you miss the memo... my hard drive died... so i would have to download even azumanga and flcl... i don't know if there is enough time but they definatly are needed to be gotten... and i think only toast hasn't seen last exile (and i am probably wrong about that.)
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Captain Thark » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:23 am

I'm always up for Last Exile, especially if someones new to it.
But new stuff is always better.
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Wang Chung » Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:29 am

Hmmm... seems I have missed the first parenthises. It didn't have anything to do with math, it was my suckage eyes. Need more beta caratene or however hell you spell that.

And I guess I did miss the memo. That sux that you lost everything. But FLCL wouldn't take that long to d/load.

Captain Thark wrote:I'm always up for Last Exile, especially if someones new to it.
But new stuff is always better.

Dam straight. It sucks there aren't many steampunks out there that are good. Only one I've liked so far are FMA and Last Exile.
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Re: third...forth? Return of the ANIME-NESS

Postby Robopanda333 » Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:22 pm

ok... so i was doing some thinking and turns out that if an animeness/kehnin's-houseness whatever we're calling it now... is going to happen it has to happen this weekend... so... it is a little abrubt but this friday till sunday... (maybe latter ?) i plan on buying at least 1 series from hastings, maybe 2... but i don't know which ones... also i got Noein, lucky star, azumanga daiho, and the third downloaded... i will probably set up a couple to start downloading... o ya dvds... gundam wing, lain, flcl, le chavelier deon... i can't remember if there are more or not... but i would really be up for flcl and lain and i havn't seen azumanga in a while.
also we got the possibilty to play some 360 games, if anyone (wang/toast) has some good multi player ones...

um... ya... tell me if you will or won't be able to make it so i know if it is going to happen or not...
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