From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

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From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Captain Thark » Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:52 pm

Greetings carbon based bipeds! This shall be an account of pretty much whatever I want to get off my chest, and that's a lot of stuff.

To start this off I'd like to tell you about one of my current projects: I+6.
What's I+6 you ask? It's my homebew tabletop RPG I've been working on sporadically pretty much since I got my copy of GURPS Discworld three years ago.
The basic desing goals of I+6 are to make a fast playing, classless RPG with quick character creation. I've got most of the details worked out and hope to post them here.

The following rules assume you know the baisics of playing an RPG. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about look here: I'm also going to explain the jargen specically for this game as I go along, so keep reading my posts.

To start off the rules: The Core Mechanic.
I+6 is pretty much driven by this thing. See, whenever you do anything that could fail you use the Core Mechanic.
The Mechanic is this: Whenever the Game Master (GM) tells you to make a Trait roll you roll a few six sided dice (d6). The number of dice you roll are based on the rating of your character's apropriate Trait for the roll.
Your GM will tell you the Target Number (TN) and some times the Scale (Sc) when you make the roll.
The TN is a number form one to five. Each die that rolls a number higher than the TN is called a Hit.
The Scale is how many hits you need to succede at the roll.
The shorthand for Trait Rolls is this: Shooting, TN 3, Sc 2. That means you need at least two dice to roll a four or higher, IE two hits, to use the game's terminology.
If the formula has no Scale specified, than the Scale is always one. IE: Shooting, TN 3.

More will come soon. If any rules confuse you, feel free to ask questions.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Stabbity Style » Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:55 pm

Sounds cool.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Pious » Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:03 pm

It is very good that character creation is quick. Especially when you might have to make two in a single session.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Captain Thark » Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:27 am

A few more rules here.

Exploding Dice
Whenever a die rolls a six when making Trait Roll it Explodes!
That is, you get to roll another die (or the same die if your short on dice). You treat that die like it was part of trait roll. IE: If it rolls higher than the TN for the roll it counts as a Hit for the roll. This means you can succede at rolls with a Scale higher than your Trait! Plus, if any of the extra dice roll six they Explode too! In fact, dice keep exploding like this till you run out of sixes.

Curse of Ones
If the majority your dice somehow come up one, you invoke the Curse.
The GM makes up something bad (but non-fatal) that happens to your character.
This doesn't affect the outcome of your Trait Roll, in fact you can still succede. But something bad happens to your character.
Quick note: The majority of your dice is based on how many dice you had at the start of your Trait Roll, Exploding dice don't count. For example: If you rolled three dice, and two of them came up one and the last one came up six you would roll another die but would still invoke the curse of ones.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Robopanda333 » Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:52 am

exploding die... savage worlds?
and the curse of ones ... guesome..
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Omnis » Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:48 pm

Sounds Like old Deadlands, Savage Worlds, and Shadowrun all in one game.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Captain Thark » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:40 pm

You'll see some GURPS in ther too, before it's done.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Stabbity Style » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:53 pm

An engine is nothing if the campaign and setting suck. What do you have in mind for your campaign and what's the setting? Ringworld? And if so, awesome.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Captain Thark » Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:17 pm

It's sort of generic. I+6 is just the engine, it actually needs a setting to work. It's my generic system for whatever cool seting ideas I have.

Some of my setting ideas are:

DungeonPunk: It's a cyperpunk game without the cyber, with fantasy replacing the cyber. It takes place in a city that grew around the mausoleum of a long fallen empire. Dozens of guilds compete for major buisness deals hundreds of religious cults attempt to turn the poulace their belief sytems.
And in the middle of it all a long held peace between three nations is crumbling, and a cataclysmic war may just be around the corner.

'The Setting Formerly Known as Planar'
The world moves on, even in the realms of the fantastic.
From massive metropolis called Caprolis, to the distant lands of Orphedia, trouble is always going hapening.
Airships patrol the skies as wizards delve into the secrets of the arcane. Dark Elves create strange and fantastic new machines in their tropical islands. And criminals scheme in the lowest city underbellies. Private eyes stick their noses places they don't belong.
And that's not even the rabid fallowers of Law and Chaos who are utterly convinced their time has come.
In short, it's your standard fantasy setting, just a few hundred years after whatever 'Dark Lord' you pick waltzed through.
The days of king and knights is over, but the adventure is just begining.

I've got some more, I'd love to here some feedback about these though.
Last edited by Captain Thark on Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: From the files of the Pessimistic Romantic

Postby Stabbity Style » Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:13 pm

They both sound cool.
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